Help Promote the Book

Four years ago, when I started writing Fight Like Jesus, I had no idea just how polarized and divided the United States would become. Hatred and rage are spreading through our communities at alarming rates. And sadly, the church has often been the primary disseminator of this animosity. As I write in the opening chapter of Fight Like Jesus, “We desperately need to recover the radical vision of peacemaking that Jesus embodied throughout Holy Week. And we urgently need to be trained in his way of making peace.” If you share this conviction, I’d love your help in promoting the message of Fight Like Jesus. Here are four simple ways you can help spread the word:


Reviews are the lifeblood of a book, especially for first-time authors. If you enjoyed reading Fight Like Jesus, consider leaving an honest review on Amazon or wherever you purchased your copy. Writing a review is easy. Simply tell others in as little as 2-3 sentences what you liked (or disliked) about the book. Click on any of the buttons below to leave a review on that site:


Do you know a church leader, family member or friend who might appreciate the book? Send them a personal email, stating in a sentence or two why you think they’d like the book, and mention that they can read the first chapter for free at Alternatively, just copy and paste one of these email scripts:

Sample Email to Church Leaders

Subject: Book Recommendation

I just finished reading a book called Fight Like Jesus that I think our church would really enjoy. The book examines how Jesus confronted injustice, called out oppressors and contended for peace on each day of Holy Week. It includes discussion questions and a schedule for groups wishing to go through the book during Lent. You can read the first chapter here () and view the book’s Amazon page here (

Sample Email to Friends

Subject: Book Recommendation

I just finished reading a book called Fight Like Jesus, and I think you’d really enjoy it. The book examines how Jesus confronted injustice, called out oppressors and contended for peace on each day of Holy Week. Said another way, the book invites readers to come learn from the Greatest Peacemaker’s greatest week. If you’re interested, you can read the first chapter here () and view the book’s Amazon page here (


Consider reading through Fight Like Jesus with your Sunday School class, church small group, or circle of friends. Leading such a group can seem intimidating, but we’ve supplied several discussion questions for each chapter which will make it easy to keep the conversation flowing. Plus, if your group would like to go through Fight Like Jesus during Lent, you can find a suggested schedule here.


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